
Welcome to Locum Life


Locum Life has a commitment to achieving the principles of responsible environmental
management, waste management, sustainability and protection of the natural environment in
our workplace. We recognise our moral and legal responsibility to ensure that our activities,
equipment, materials and services are designed to protect and enhance the environment in
the communities in which we operate, and our obligations to ensuring that our operations do
not place the natural environment or the local community at risk of harm.

To ensure that optimum environmental care is taken, Locum Life will:

– Monitor and comply with all relevant environmental laws and relevant standards and
– Manage our diverse activities to prevent or minimize pollution and impacts upon the
air, water, land, flora, fauna and cultural values,
– Ensure an understanding of environmental requirements and implementation of
standards among our employees through our annual induction;
– Respond to environmental concerns of our customers and workers;
– Strive to improve resource consumption, efficiency and minimize waste generation;
– Ensure best practice waste disposal activities are implemented where possible; and
– Monitor and review our environmental objectives and targets.

The Director has been appointed as the Management Representative for the purposes of the
Environmental Management System. The Management Representative has the full support
of Locum Life to establish, implement and maintain the Environmental Management System
in accordance with this manual, ISO 14001:2016 and other applicable regulations, standards
and guidance.