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Surgery can be highly demanding, especially when it comes to the length and rigorous study requirements. But despite the years of education and training you need to complete, many talented surgeons still find this medical field satisfying, especially regarding respect, career advancements, and pay grade. In fact, statistics reveal that surgeons receive the highest average income among medical professionals. This brings us to the question, “What is the average general surgeon’s salary in Australia?”

If you are passionate about saving people’s lives and dream of becoming a competent general surgeon in Australia, this post is for you. We will discuss how much a general surgeon’s pay is, the factors determining a surgeon’s salary, and the requirements and qualifications you need before becoming a licensed surgeon. Let’s delve right into them.

How Much Does a Surgeon Earn in Australia?

How much do surgeons make in Australia? We can’t give you the exact numbers, but a surgeon typically earns around AU$294,000 per year. The average surgeon salary in Australia ranges from AU$147,000 (lowest) and AU$456,000 (highest).

On top of the basic salary, surgeons can also enjoy great health benefits, financial incentives, and bonuses from employers.

Also, when you consider their experience, surgeons can expect to earn more annually. For example, the average salary for surgeons with experience between 10 and 19 years is approximately AU$200,000 per year. In contrast, those with over 20 years of experience earn up to AU$350,000 per year.

What factors influence a general surgeon’s salary?

The average surgeon salary in Australia will vary due to various factors, including the following:

  • Years of experience. The surgeon’s experience level is the most critical factor in determining the salary. As mentioned above, the more years of experience you have, the higher your expected wage is. For example, a surgeon with less than 2 years of experience will make around AU$177,000 per year, while someone working between 2 and 5 years will earn around AU$234,000 or 32% more than someone with less than two years of experience.

    Surgeons with experience spanning between ten and fifteen years get 19% more than those with five to ten years of experience.

    Additionally, surgeons with more than twenty years of experience earn 7% more than those with fifteen to twenty years.

    Lastly, locum doctors will receive higher pay rates (around $253,500 per year or $130 per hour) than permanent doctors because of their nature of work.

  • Gender. Male surgeons in Australia earn an average of 4% more than their female counterparts.
  • Bonuses. Employees generally involved in the revenue generation cycle get the highest bonuses.
  • Seniority level. Naturally, top management personnel and senior employees will have higher bonus rates (double or triple rates) and frequencies than juniors. This is mainly because of the inherent responsibilities of people in top positions.
  • Location. According to statistics, employees working in the public sector earn 5% more than their private sector counterparts on average.

How Do You Become a Surgeon in Australia?

Over the next decade, surgical jobs are predicted to grow faster than any other occupation in Australia, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

This is because of the rapidly ageing Australian population. Similarly, the demand for competent surgeons will continue to increase as long as the human population is subjected to birth deformities, diseases, and injuries.

Being a highly trained doctor specialising in heart, lung, and abdominal surgeries doesn’t happen in the blink of an eye. You must go through additional years of specialist study and training, experiences, and authority before pursuing a potential career path. This could be specialisation as a neurosurgeon, plastic surgeon, heart surgeon, paediatric surgeon, or orthopedic surgeon.

You might be more inspired to pursue a career in the medical field of surgery after finding out the average surgeon’s salary in Australia. But how do you become a licensed surgeon?

Refer to the following list for brief information:

  • If you’re a high school graduate, you must pass one or more subjects, such as English, advanced mathematics, biology, physics, and chemistry, and earn an ATAR of 99.95. If you have a relevant undergraduate degree, you must complete four years of a full-time accredited medical degree, such as a Doctor of Medicine degree.
  • Sign up for a one-year internship to apply for general registration with the Medical Board of Australia.
  • You must complete the necessary training as a resident.
  • You must apply for the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons’ Surgical Education and Training program. This will span 5 to 6 years of training, including clinical placements, short courses, research, and examination.

Work as a Locum Surgeon in Australia through Locum Life!

Are you seeking a higher rate than a permanent general surgeon’s salary by pursuing a locum career path? Make the job-hunting process seamless with Locum Life if you are looking for an exceptional working environment with the right compensation as a locum doctor.

Your assigned expert consultant will determine your skill set, qualifications, and specific locum life needs to find the right job for you.

Start your dream job with Locum Life by calling 02 9055 6856 or registering through https://locumlife.com.au/.